What is odds aggregration?
110+ different sports, over 4,000 events daily, comprising over 300 unique football markets and an incredible 160 unique Cricket markets, Odds88 brings you multiple feed Integrations to create a bespoke service to suit every one of your needs. Odds88 is your unparalleled source for sports.
And having multiple feeds integrated means that we always have a fallback option if the main feed for an event should fail; Odds88 can seamlessly pivot to alternative data sources. Reliability is paramount when operating at this altitude. Our robust system automatically transitions between data suppliers to maintain above-industry standard uptime. Unrivalled fallback, minimal downtime.
Also, thanks to numerous feeds, we can mix and match and use the best parts from all of the different feeds giving us the option to offer a huge number of markets for each event. A range of sports and odds offered nowhere else in the market. Custom events created in-house. Theoretical bet value calculation and customer profiling tools to create your most optimised product.
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